Today is my Albuquerque birthday and I CANNOT BELIEVE it has been four years since I got on a plane, landed here, and had my life changed forever. In honor of my ABQ birthday, I want to share four things I have learned in the last four years.
- Sometimes the things you would have never picked are the best things for you. Moving here and getting divorced two years later was not in the play book; but I would never never give back the lessons I learned from the whole thing and I am in SUCH a good place now. (I’m keeping this truth in my back pocket while dealing with my job change.)
- It takes at least two years to get settled in a new place. By year three, I felt like my friendships deepened and my community expanded, and now in year four, it really feels like home here. I am so grateful for all the friends I have made.
- Sometimes you have to get past first impressions and dig deeper to get to know a place or person. When I first moved here, I did NOT love the city; I thought there was too much crime, too much dust, and not enough good Asian or seafood, to name a few offenses. Now, after changing my attitude and spending time exploring, I have all sorts of favorite restaurants, New Mexican dishes, and places to go/things to do on the weekend, as well as a whole new appreciation for the views and landscape. I’ve also loved learning the history and culture of New Mexico, and feel it is such a unique place; I’ve never been anywhere like it. I heard it described once as “a gritty city” and I love that.
- Lastly, lIfe is so much better with red and green chile.
Here’s to more lessons and memories!

So happy to have you as a friend!